Friday, April 20, 2012

Au Revoir France & Merci a Tous

This is simply to let you know that I am still alive & well here in La Rochelle, France & to say au revoir to such a great experience!

Believe it or not, I have been a little busy.  Well, a little busier than I've been here.  I just finished up a law class today & I begin and end my last course next week.  I still don't understand how this school works - I just follow my schedule & go where it tells me to go & take the exam.  My law professor is from Argentina & I'm not sure that he understands the school either.  He has been my favorite professor up until now (not that I've many to choose from) & is helping me with my little incident - he's also married to an American woman so he obviously is doing well with his life.

I'm getting ready to wrap up my stay here.  My sister arrives on Sunday April 29 & will stay here with me unil Tuesday.  We will then begin our trip together to Paris, Rome & finally to Greece where we will take a cruise around the Greek Islands.  & before I know it, I'll be on my way home!

I'm going to guess & say this will be my last post here. So...
Though I had regretted my decision in the beginning of all this, I'm glad I stuck it out.  I have met a lot of great people here from all over the world - China, Korea, Mexico, Norway, Netherlands, & my 'locals' from the US.  I'd recommend studying abroad to anyone - but one piece of advice - you have to just do it without thinking about it.  I found that was my one problem - I thought too much of what & who I'd miss from home.  But that all will be there when you get home & you'll learn to appreciate it all even more.  Although I may not have received much education in the past 4 months, I have still certainly learned A LOT - about myself, about life, about other cultures, & so much more.  I thought these 4 months would've taken forever to go by - but it feels like just recently I was arriving.  It will be sad to leave my host family - they have been great to me - but it will be great to see my family & friends at home.  I'm looking forward to so much when I get home along with seeing everyone - driving myself to where I need to go, having an income, watching the Phillies win, dressing down more than dressing up, a constant hot shower, using my cell phone to call & text, graduating from college & entering the real world, Ang finally turning 21, speaking English all day everyday, the last sibling to graduate high school (!) & of course summertime!

THANK YOU to all who have read my blog throughout my journey & all your kind words.  I land in Philadelphia on Saturday May 12 & after visiting family, you'll know where to find me - hint: it starts with a V...
Merci & au revoir!
& when I find the time, I will share some photos of my upcoming travels! 

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