Monday, February 27, 2012

You're not missing Much!

I apologize for not updating this very often anymore - but to be honest, there is nothing exciting going on - you're not missing out on much. 

Last week ended my first class - a class that was suppose to be 2 weeks, changed to 1 week - but resulted in longer days.  Followed by an exam on Friday - true/false & a few short answer - nothing tricky!  Not really sure how or if I get a grade - don't really know how it works between Shippensburg and here either - guess I'll find that out in March - my assistant dean of the college of business will be visiting - will be nice to see a familar face. 

With all that said, I'm now on a 2 week break.  Don't have any adventures planned, but the kids I live with and all the kids in La Rochelle, are currently on a 2 week break from school as well.  So it's nice to have them around more, rather than just at night.  Re-live my childhood a little... 
Ines just out of the blue started to talk to me A LOT the other day - was very surprised but it's about time she talks to me!  Guess she's going through withdrawl from school!

Saturday my mom took me and the kids to a beach - 2 down from where we live - it was extremely nice - she said that's where they like to go in the summer.  That evening we went to see 'The Artist'.  I never even heard of it & I don't know how I didn't with all the awards it won!  Going into it I didn't think I would like it being that it's black&white and silent, but it was surprisingly good - the Oscars obviously show that.  I'd recommend it.  Friday night was the French Oscars and 'The Artist' won 6 awards here as well.  No, I didn't watch them - I was told that. 
Sunday my mom took me for a bike ride - an hour & a half bike ride.  (The kids went to their father's Sat night)  Was it her way of proving to herself Americans are out of shape?!  I didn't let it show!  But it was nice - there are a lot of paths along the beach & port that we went on - I now know how to walk or bike to my school along the beach & how to get to the port (without taking the bus). 
The weather has been beautiful!  I understand it's been a little too beautiful at home too for this time of the year - I guess I brought the weather with me - you're welcome. 

Have a good week all!
& a very happy 2nd Birthday to my sweet cousin Jonah - (he'll appreciate this someday!)

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