Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Things have not been well - but everything turned around today.

I was to have a meeting Monday afternoon to discuss possible changes in my courses - before I came here it was to my & Shippensburg's & my host family's understanding I would be here until the end of April. My host family being as nice as they are don't care when I leave, as long as I'm out by July, she has another student coming. Once I had looked into my schedule further, it had I'd be here until end of May - that's an extra month if you didn't catch on.
I may have repeated myself with my previous post, but maybe some of you haven't read that one...

I arrived at the school Monday for my meeting & whoever was in his office said he'd be back at 2, which is their normal end time for lunch, but he did tell me to be there at 1:30. So I waited, & waited, & waited until 3. Never showed up. Bus was coming at 3:30, so I left.  I Scheduled another appointment with someone else this morning for 10 - only had to wait 20 minutes for this one. Not bad. We fixed all problems & I will be done April 27, as originally planned. I will attend a few extra french classes between now & February 20 when I begin my first business class as well. 

Yesterday I also woke up to it snowing.  Very rare for this part of France - similar to the south -it's rare, but it happens.  It was only a dusting.  By the time I came home it was raining, windy & cold.  (I was soaked when I got home, just to top off the day I was having)

Things are definitely looking up now & I'm a much happier person.

I have met my other host sister, Leila, who lives/studies in Paris.  She is here for the week & yes, speaks English.  Sami, her son, began in internship this week at a local doctor's office, Leila is currently studying the Arabic language, Hana knows German & English & Ines is learning English & Spanish.  It's crazy - but I'm very impressed with them all. 
Today they also only had a half day of school because of a strike.  Apparently strikes are popular to occur here with schools - so just an afternoon session today. 

I have no more news to share.  Not sure what the rest of the week entails - other than french class.
Hope you're having a good start to the week!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

my Updated, Interesting life; Pictures included

Spring is right around the corner here! Moussa is out doing yard work this afternoon, cutting grass, pulling weeds - looking forward to beautiful weather here soon. 

I have limited interesting news to share with you - I'm hoping to switch my business program here into Bachelor International 2, I'm currently in 4.  Which would mean that I'll finish at the time I was told I would before I came.  As of now, if I'm correct, in this program I wouldn't finish until the end of May, which I had always been told end of April.  I'll find out Monday afternoon what I can change - & I hope it's nothing but good news. I had also attended my first french class on Friday.  Should I complain about this - I went in on Friday after the professor had been teaching all week, I was only told to go on Friday.  Basically I went to day 5 of the class & missed all others.  Not too big of a deal, however we do get an exam at the end of this course.  We are told to 'catch up' by the advisor - a possibility we may sit in on her other classes during the week. However, once I start my business classes, my schedule will not allow to attend any french classes - will get interesting. 
It seems I'm just having bad experiences with the school right now - everything is going great.  I am the first student from Shippensburg attending this school, as we just acquired it, so will have much to share when I return. 
Sami came home for the weekend from school & Sunday I will meet Leila, her other daughter living in Paris. 
 My humble abode.  Right side of the building - garage is behind the tree - my room is the bottom window with the other garage to the left.
 Kitchen, obviously. My bathroom is to the left of the wall, where the coats are hanging. 
 The street I live on.
 The other direction of the street.  The first tree on the right is the driveway to my home - that was my landmark for my first few solo trips.
 The beach.
My neighborhood.
 The Beach - Atlantic Ocean
 The Port.
 2 of 3 towers in La Rochelle. Google it if you want to know about it - I can't tell you much.
 My living room. My room is to the left, at the bottom of the stairs.
 My room.
Kitchen, Living room, Where we eat (on the bottom) and my room is at the bottom of the stairs.

Hope these pictures satisfy you a little.  I have no pictures of my school yet - I don't spend anytime there!  But I will soon enough!
Enjoy your weekend in the States! I'm thinking of you!

Monday, January 23, 2012

a Weekend in Paris

Sorry to leave you hanging; I'm alive & well.  I had no internet access while in Paris to update while I was away.

The train left La Rochelle at 11:45 Thursday morning & arrived in Paris just before 3. Once we arrived we were in search of our hotel.  By taking the metro, we found it no problem.  Once checking in, we went out for a bit to see sacre coeur; our hotel was very close to that, which is a church in Paris.  Had to walk up quite a few sets of stairs to get to it, but it's worth it. 

Once we left there, we walked around the area of our hotel for the rest of the evening; had dinner & called it a day.

Friday morning we got up & took the metro to another side of Paris - Place de l'Étoile - where Arc de Triomphe is located along with a street of major stores on each side of the busy street. 
Of course we were in and out of a lot of the stores.  We spend most of the afternoon there until heading to the Eiffel Tower around 5. We arrived during daylight but left by night so we had the opportunity to see it lit up as well.  We did go to the top of it; very neat but extremely cold while waiting in lines  & of course at the top - but well worth it.

After leaving the Eiffel Tower, we went for dinner & made our way back to the hotel. 

Saturday we explored the Louvre.  I just don't have the appreciation I should for art - we spent about 2 hours there.

After we left the Louvre we met up with someone studying in Paris who is friends with one the the girls I was with.  We went for dinner & afterwards saw the Notre Dame Cathedral.  Had an opportunity to go inside but was very dark and couldn't see much. 

That about sums up my weekend in Paris.  We left Sunday afternoon at 1:15.  The weather was wet and cold the entire time.  Never rained hard but was always a few drops.  Once I arrived back to La Rochelle my mother was waiting for me at the train station; very nice of her to come pick me up, as the bus only runs once an hour on Sunday's.  Most places close down by noon on Sunday's as well.  Sunday isn't a good day to do anything. 

Today I ventured to my school to find out when I can actually learn something.  According to her, I'll start my first French class on Friday; I don't get it.  I receive no credits for a French class here so I'm not too concerned about it - as much as I should learn some french while I'm here.  So I came home for the day around noon to do some things.  I'm in the process of doing laundry and I couldn't be more thankful for her allowing me to use her's, as some students are not allowed to use their host parents, and she has both washer & dryer.  The weather is beautiful today, 50 & sunny.  

We celebrated the Chinese New Year last night at dinner with Chinese food (very good) & today for lunch I had sauerkraut (mmm, my favorite...).  Hana also arrived home yesterday & had a nice time in Berlin.

Sorry for your loss all you PSU fans/alumni.
& I see we'll have a patriotic super bowl this year. 

Until my next post - bonne journée.

I probably won't have any interesting news for a few days. 

The 4 of us that went to Paris - Cindy, Claudia & Karolyn

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

lazy Day

I'll keep this one nice & short.

The title speaks for itself; I didn't do anything all day!  Stayed home until about 6 when I took the bus into the city to meet up with Claudia & Cindy for dinner.  I'm staying the night at Claudia's & we'll all get the train together tomorrow morning for Paris.

It was a nice morning, about 50 degrees, but then turned overcast & rainy this afternoon.  I was told once January ends, it gradually gets nicer (weather wise). 

I may or may not update this everyday this weekend; we'll see how it goes!

Happy Hump-Day!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

mardi (Tuesday) in the City!

Since I'm not going to school yet, why not live life a little!? 

It was 10:30 this morning I decided to look at what times the bus would come by today to get me to the school; I had to take care of some paperwork.  It was 10:45 or 11:50.  My first 'American' way of working out today - running to the bus stop.  I think the European way of working out is by walking everywhere.  I made it.

Once I took care of everything at the school I went to 'Centre Ville' to meet up with the girls from Oklahoma; Claudia & Cindy, where we had lunch.  Afterwards we did some little things around the city, went back to school for some things, and to the train station...

Destination: Paris.  We will be headed to Paris Thursday morning and leave Sunday afternoon.  Looking forward to this trip as I've been to the Paris airport twice now & have yet to see the city; and seeing the Eiffel Tower from the sky just isn't the same. You'll have plenty of pictures to see when I return.

A dull but good day today.  Never got lost once; I'm definitely learning the bus system. 
After dinner we discussed my rent; because I really don't know how much I am to pay.  I pay my host mother directly each month - 570 euro (!).  I really don't know if that's a lot or not; converted to USD it is but I'm not in America anymore!  She did not make me pay a security deposit as instructed as she told me she trusts me.  Nor is she making me pay the full amount for January because I arrived on the 11th.  She is only to provide me 2 meals a day, breakfast & dinner, however she said because I'm not always here for both meals, lunch can be substituted (like tomorrow for example - I will not be home for dinner but will be for lunch.)  Such a nice family, have to say.

A side note I forgot about we Americans - we sue everybody. 'If someone is laying on the floor, you don't help them because you will get sued' is what I'm told.  Which unfortunately is partly/mostly true.

I've been receiving a lot of feedback about my posts & I appreciate all your kind words! Merci beaucoup! I hope you are all doing well in the states & enjoying your wintery weather!


Monday, January 16, 2012

Read for a Good Laugh - Day 1 on my own.

Before I start;  you are welcome to make fun of me, I'm not offended.  I will someday laugh at this too.  Someday soon hopefully...

Well my day started at 7:30 a.m. with a quick shower & breakfast on the run.  The bus was to pick me up at 8:56 and have a direct ride to school; about 10 minutes.  Well, not today.  As I stood at the bus stop, a bus arrived at 8:50 so I hopped on! Totally was the wrong bus.  I knew the route the bus was to take & it wasn't taking it.  So I hopped off when it stopped next.  Which was right in La Rochelle.  So I had no choice but to talk French & find my bus (which is to be #17).  I found someone who spoke English and took me to where I needed to be; which was the bus station where ALL the buses eventually stop at; obviously.  But no one knew where I could get on the bus I needed.  So I stood and saw the bus coming that said 'Les Minimes' which is also what I needed.  So I hopped on! Well this one was driving in a familar area to me and eventually came to the end of the route, so again, I hopped off, which was at the Port where I visited the other day.  I knew a general idea of where the school was so I just started walking.  Then I found a bus stop with #17! So I stopped, waited for the bus, & hopped on! & it took me right to where I needed to be! Thank goodness! I knew I'd get there eventually. 

The good news about all this is that my first meeting started at 9:30; I arrived about 10:15.  But the whole meeting was in French, so I know I didn't miss a thing! Not sure why we (English speaking people) even had to be there!  I then made my way to the room for the French test where I met all the English speaking people! Finally! Met people from Oooooklahoma, Norway, Latvia, & Hong Kong!

Afterwards we went to lunch at a cafeteria-like place across the street.  Please note my school is NOT La Rochelle University, there is such a thing, however it's Groupe Sup de Co.  Which is a business school that is run by the Chamber of Commerce. 

After lunch we went back to the school where we had a meeting from 2:30-5.  All in English! Basically an introduction to everything, typical first day.  Then I learned something; not sure how to feel about it.  BUT, I don't have class this week? Nor next week & possibly not for the next 2 weeks after that! (that brings us to the end of February for those calculating)  I will probably begin my French class next week, but who knows!  This is the French system way of college I guess! Glad I waited until the last possible day to come here!

With all this time off, Cindy, Claudia, (from Oooooklahoma) & myself will be traveling to Paris this week; as they are in a similar situation as myself. 

I guess you want to know about my ride home from school too, eh??
Well it's not quite as exciting as the morning, BUT I did get on the right bus to come home (sigh of relief) and wasn't sure about the stop.  When we passed the stop I took this morning (on the other side of the street) I hopped off at the next stop because he turned off the main road! I was going to back track to the main street (not far) and go home but thought, I should probably see where the bus was going to.  So I went that way only to discover I'm going to get myself lost walking, alone, at night, in a foreign country.  I turned around and walked allll the way back to the main street and home I am.  What a day!

Some side notes:
The best thing that could've happened since I'm here is meeting new people; it's soo helpful with EVERYTHING.  Everyone I met came at least with one other person;  they found humor in my story from the airport in Paris to La Rochelle.  It really helps traveling with someone, but I guess it's all part of the experience by yourself!  I've been told the French are unorganized, this class schedule shows it.  I am to check everyday to make sure the room hasn't changed or that the class hasn't been cancelled for the day. 
Yes, other foreigners think Americans are all overweight...all we eat is McDonald's; huge joke to them all! The people I met from Hong Kong, typical school day is 8 a.m. - 3/4 p.m. Just like us; so why are they so much smarter than us?! Ooooklahoma really is in the middle of nowhere.  All we do is walk everywhere or take the bus (here), and Americans are criticized for driving themselves everywhere.  While in America we get looked at funny when walking to Boyer's. 

This was certainly a long one, but hope you found some humor in it along with interesting facts.  You'll have some nice photos when we return from Paris.  Not sure when or how long we will go for, but sure to be a nice time.

Until next time,
Au Revoir!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

first Picture!

First off, let me clear this up; Hana is on her way to Berlin.  Where was I getting Belgium from?!

Today was a colder day, 40 degrees and overcast but no rain. We drove to an island St. Marten de Re. About a 20 minute drive. We walked around a bit, saw more of the Atlantic Ocean, stopped at the boulangerie (bakery) and came home.  Inès came with us today as well. To make you all 25% happy, this picture is of Sami and Inès.

 Sami does not live here, but he stopped by today on his way back to school as he'll be gone for 2 weeks. Same routine; mom gave him a bag of food and slipped some money in there. Inès is 13 years old and acts like a typical 13 year old. It's been awhile since I've lived with a younger sibling, and it's quite amusing. Spilling things, finishes eating and leaves the table immediately, says funny things, and constantly on the computer.  She is learning English, and is in advanced classes for it, but says she's afraid to speak it with me in fear of making a mistake - per her mother. 

Tomorrow I'll make my first trip to school with a meeting at 9:30, followed by a french test at 11:30, and will end the day with more meetings through the afternoon.  I will walk (about 10 minutes) to the bus stop & take the bus directly to the school.  Then will take the bus home & walk home.  Need to clarify which bus it is I take home so I don't end up on the other side of the city!

Dull day, nothing exciting happened.  Check tomorrow for an update on school!

Au revoir!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Atlantic Ocean from This Side

Today I was a tourist traveling with a local. 

My mother & I rode our bikes to the Atlantic Ocean.  It is very close to their house, would even be a nice walk.  Doesn't look like an ocean as there are no waves crashing in; very still water.  The temperature today was about 47 degrees Farenheit and sunny.  It is constantly windy being on the coast, so feels similar to home.  It was a nice ride, could see the city in the distance along with my school.  (Pictures will eventually be posted) 

Once her companion, Moussa, came home from work, he works in a restaurant on weekends as a chef, we returned home and we drove to La Rochelle and, if I'm not mistaken, Laleu.  Both are extremely beautiful cities.  La Rochelle beach I saw as well.  There was a decent amount of people out walking around both cities, but definitely more locals than tourists, as it is the off season. 

On our way home we picked up Hana at her father's house to take her shopping for a few things; she is leaving tomorrow (Sunday) for a week to go to Belgium with her school.  She had traveled to Germany before for 3 months, and speaks German along with English and obviously French.  Very intelligent! She said they are driving, which is about 22 hours.  Yikes!  So we took her for warmer clothes, apparently it's much colder there, and a few things from the grocery store.  My first trip to the grocery store: similar to a store in the states, nothing fancy, all the same things we have.  The clothing store we went to was what I compared to a Marshall's, however it was all sporting goods.  She needed warmer shoes, socks and long sleeves.  But they had everything such as bikes, sneakers, athletic clothing, etc. 

And that was it! We arrived home just after 6, so of course it was time for our 'snack' as I like to call it.  Hot chocolate (actually hot milk with a touch of chocolate), and pastry - What our snack typically consists of.  Followed by dinner after 8, which tonight was just pizza, from the freezer.  & it was only my mother and I for dinner tonight.  Up until now I've had fish in a creamy sauce with rice, chicken in the same sauce with rice, shepards pie (don't know what they call it but that's what it was!), & couscous.

All is going well so far, & I'm really looking forward to school beginning on Monday!  Though I haven't adjusted to the time yet like I thought I had been.  Last night I was up until 3 a.m. and was up at 9:30 (with an alarm of course) and it's just after 11 now and I'm not feeling tired.  They say about a week to get over jetlag.  Je vais vous laisser savoir! (I'll let you know!)

Jusqu'à demain... (until tomorrow)
Bonne nuit! (goodnight!)

Friday, January 13, 2012

lucky Friday the 13th?!

It's easy for me to write everyday because I have not started school yet. We'll see what next week brings. 

Today my host mother took me to my school where I was able to meet a few people I had been e-mailing with regarding coming to France.  Very nice people and willing to help.  Monday I have meetings all day and will hopefully know my academic schedule.  I will get to school via the bus, which she took me to buy a bus pass today as well. 23 euros/month.  The main bus station is right in La Rochelle.  Today was a rainy day so we didn't do much other than go in and buy the pass.  It is a very nice looking city, despite the rain, and is located on a port.  Lots of boats!

I had met her son, Sami, last night as he came to pick up Hana to take her to her father's house for the night, which is right down the street. (They are in fact divorced)  Sami also joined my mother & I for lunch today when we returned home.  He speaks English as well. I will meet  Leïla at the end of the month.  To my understanding, most of the younger generation speaks English, as they study it in school.  So I shouldn't have a problem once I get to school, as there will also be other Americans there.  Looking forward to meeting new people as well. While at the school today, my mother was asked if she wanted to accept another student into her home as there is an American girl staying with an older family who doesn't speak english, has no children, and lives further away from the school.  I feel bad for her, I really do, because I can only imagine how hard that is.  Very grateful for who I'm living with. 

Big things on the news right now: France's presidential election is in 3 months so a lot of politics.  Also, in case you haven't heard, there was a French journalist killed in Syria.

One problem I have: all we do is eat! Breakfast, lunch, 'snack' (around 5 p.m.), and dinner (usually around 8 p.m.).  I'm learning to take smaller portions and to say no thank you.  Bread is served ALL THE TIME. (I can't eat all those carbs!)  I will say all the food is healthy, no junk food and dessert is usually fruit or yogurt.  But still, I'm constantly eating. 

Today is Friday the 13th, obviously.  And to the French, this is good luck! Interesting.

The higher education system is different in France than in the states.  I was talking with Sami about this today, a current medical school student.  He paid about 5 USD for his school.  I'm not sure what that expense is even for.  I did learn that the school I'm attending is a private school so students pay about 7000 USD (I think) a year for school.  Still, not that much.  (I'm paying Shippensburg tuition)   . 

I believe that's all for today. 
Avoir un bon week-end dans les Etats! (have a good weekend in the states)


Thursday, January 12, 2012

My Family

My family consists of a host mom, Veronique, her companion Moussa, not sure what exactly that situation is, and she has 4 children.  The oldest is a son, Sami, 23, who is currently a medical school student.  Followed by 3 girls, the oldest, Leïla, is 22, who lives in Paris & is studying history & politics, and the other 2, Hana (17) & Inès (13) live here at home.  Coincedence my family is the same?
 My host mother is a sales manager with a french fine dining company.  Everyone here is very nice and welcoming.  I haven't met the 2 oldest kids, but I'm sure I will eventually.  My host mother and her older daughter here speak English, which is nice.  Their home is very basic, living room, dining room and a kitchen that is very small.  No more than 2 people can be in there.  I do have my own bedroom and have Wi-Fi and can call the U.S. for free from their landline.  My room is on the first floor while my mother's room and the 2 girls' rooms are upstairs.  There are also 2 cats, usually outside, one may come in but the other never shows his face. 
I will be shown around the city and my school over the next three days.  Classes begin Monday, I think, but I've been informed of informational meetings all day Monday so not sure what's going on there yet.  But definitely will go to campus on Monday morning. 

I have a lot to learn and to get used to. 

Until next time, Au Revoir!

& it begins!


My journey began Tuesday evening leaving PHL airport at 10 p.m. via British Airways to London Heathrow.  I arrived in London around 9:30 a.m. local time, (4:30 EST) with about a 2 hour layover.  Until I made my way through this gigantic airport and security again, I only had about an hour to wait.  The airport was huge, and I know I only saw about 1/4 of it, if that.  Next flight departed at 11:40 en route to Paris, CDG! I still had not been feeling much of anything until we landed, at 2 p.m. local time (8 a.m. EST)  Then it hit me of what I had to do next.  Somehow get my luggage, find the train station, buy a ticket, and find the train. 

I think I just got lucky with getting my luggage and finding the train station.  Once I found that I asked where to buy my ticket; they have an information center in the middle of it all. Bought my ticket and I was given 2 options: Get myself into the city train station and have a direct train, or leave from the airport station with 2 stops/change trains.  I left from the airport with 18 minutes until departure.  But I didn't really leave; I missed it.  I had NO idea where I was going! Everytime I asked someone they would point to where it was and I'd go there, and I swear it wasn't there.  I actually went back to the information center, asked her where to go, and she said, in a rude way, you're going to miss it, start running! but I didn't know where the heck to run to!  I went back to where I bought my ticket, and bought a new one, that didn't leave until 4:20 and had one transfer.  Plenty of time. 
I found where I needed to be and patiently waited.  I met another couple from the States who were just as confused as me, so we stuck together until departure.  We went to talk to the information center again, there is one on ground level of the train, and the woman that was working there was the one who told me to run, I'm going to miss my train.  She laughed at me when she saw me and I just laughed with her.  Oh well! Got on the train and sat next to an old French man, reminded me of Grampy, who I could tell wanted to talk to me but just couldn't.  He did help me with getting off though at the right stop, Poitiers it was.  Guess he wanted to get rid of me.  I had 9 minutes to get to the next train, which of course was on the other side.  So I had to take my luggage downstairs, then up the other side to get on.  With the help of a French girl who spoke fluent English, she told me where to go.  Got on the train with final destination, La Rochelle.  Got off no problem, and there my family was awaiting me.  A HUGE sigh of relief. 

many more posts to follow!