Tuesday, January 17, 2012

mardi (Tuesday) in the City!

Since I'm not going to school yet, why not live life a little!? 

It was 10:30 this morning I decided to look at what times the bus would come by today to get me to the school; I had to take care of some paperwork.  It was 10:45 or 11:50.  My first 'American' way of working out today - running to the bus stop.  I think the European way of working out is by walking everywhere.  I made it.

Once I took care of everything at the school I went to 'Centre Ville' to meet up with the girls from Oklahoma; Claudia & Cindy, where we had lunch.  Afterwards we did some little things around the city, went back to school for some things, and to the train station...

Destination: Paris.  We will be headed to Paris Thursday morning and leave Sunday afternoon.  Looking forward to this trip as I've been to the Paris airport twice now & have yet to see the city; and seeing the Eiffel Tower from the sky just isn't the same. You'll have plenty of pictures to see when I return.

A dull but good day today.  Never got lost once; I'm definitely learning the bus system. 
After dinner we discussed my rent; because I really don't know how much I am to pay.  I pay my host mother directly each month - 570 euro (!).  I really don't know if that's a lot or not; converted to USD it is but I'm not in America anymore!  She did not make me pay a security deposit as instructed as she told me she trusts me.  Nor is she making me pay the full amount for January because I arrived on the 11th.  She is only to provide me 2 meals a day, breakfast & dinner, however she said because I'm not always here for both meals, lunch can be substituted (like tomorrow for example - I will not be home for dinner but will be for lunch.)  Such a nice family, have to say.

A side note I forgot about we Americans - we sue everybody. 'If someone is laying on the floor, you don't help them because you will get sued' is what I'm told.  Which unfortunately is partly/mostly true.

I've been receiving a lot of feedback about my posts & I appreciate all your kind words! Merci beaucoup! I hope you are all doing well in the states & enjoying your wintery weather!



  1. Getting a lot of feedback?? You only have 4 followers. Everyone else needs to sign up so we know who you are!

  2. or they could be e-mailing me as invited too. Stop trying to lower my self esteem.
