Friday, January 13, 2012

lucky Friday the 13th?!

It's easy for me to write everyday because I have not started school yet. We'll see what next week brings. 

Today my host mother took me to my school where I was able to meet a few people I had been e-mailing with regarding coming to France.  Very nice people and willing to help.  Monday I have meetings all day and will hopefully know my academic schedule.  I will get to school via the bus, which she took me to buy a bus pass today as well. 23 euros/month.  The main bus station is right in La Rochelle.  Today was a rainy day so we didn't do much other than go in and buy the pass.  It is a very nice looking city, despite the rain, and is located on a port.  Lots of boats!

I had met her son, Sami, last night as he came to pick up Hana to take her to her father's house for the night, which is right down the street. (They are in fact divorced)  Sami also joined my mother & I for lunch today when we returned home.  He speaks English as well. I will meet  Leïla at the end of the month.  To my understanding, most of the younger generation speaks English, as they study it in school.  So I shouldn't have a problem once I get to school, as there will also be other Americans there.  Looking forward to meeting new people as well. While at the school today, my mother was asked if she wanted to accept another student into her home as there is an American girl staying with an older family who doesn't speak english, has no children, and lives further away from the school.  I feel bad for her, I really do, because I can only imagine how hard that is.  Very grateful for who I'm living with. 

Big things on the news right now: France's presidential election is in 3 months so a lot of politics.  Also, in case you haven't heard, there was a French journalist killed in Syria.

One problem I have: all we do is eat! Breakfast, lunch, 'snack' (around 5 p.m.), and dinner (usually around 8 p.m.).  I'm learning to take smaller portions and to say no thank you.  Bread is served ALL THE TIME. (I can't eat all those carbs!)  I will say all the food is healthy, no junk food and dessert is usually fruit or yogurt.  But still, I'm constantly eating. 

Today is Friday the 13th, obviously.  And to the French, this is good luck! Interesting.

The higher education system is different in France than in the states.  I was talking with Sami about this today, a current medical school student.  He paid about 5 USD for his school.  I'm not sure what that expense is even for.  I did learn that the school I'm attending is a private school so students pay about 7000 USD (I think) a year for school.  Still, not that much.  (I'm paying Shippensburg tuition)   . 

I believe that's all for today. 
Avoir un bon week-end dans les Etats! (have a good weekend in the states)


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