Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Atlantic Ocean from This Side

Today I was a tourist traveling with a local. 

My mother & I rode our bikes to the Atlantic Ocean.  It is very close to their house, would even be a nice walk.  Doesn't look like an ocean as there are no waves crashing in; very still water.  The temperature today was about 47 degrees Farenheit and sunny.  It is constantly windy being on the coast, so feels similar to home.  It was a nice ride, could see the city in the distance along with my school.  (Pictures will eventually be posted) 

Once her companion, Moussa, came home from work, he works in a restaurant on weekends as a chef, we returned home and we drove to La Rochelle and, if I'm not mistaken, Laleu.  Both are extremely beautiful cities.  La Rochelle beach I saw as well.  There was a decent amount of people out walking around both cities, but definitely more locals than tourists, as it is the off season. 

On our way home we picked up Hana at her father's house to take her shopping for a few things; she is leaving tomorrow (Sunday) for a week to go to Belgium with her school.  She had traveled to Germany before for 3 months, and speaks German along with English and obviously French.  Very intelligent! She said they are driving, which is about 22 hours.  Yikes!  So we took her for warmer clothes, apparently it's much colder there, and a few things from the grocery store.  My first trip to the grocery store: similar to a store in the states, nothing fancy, all the same things we have.  The clothing store we went to was what I compared to a Marshall's, however it was all sporting goods.  She needed warmer shoes, socks and long sleeves.  But they had everything such as bikes, sneakers, athletic clothing, etc. 

And that was it! We arrived home just after 6, so of course it was time for our 'snack' as I like to call it.  Hot chocolate (actually hot milk with a touch of chocolate), and pastry - What our snack typically consists of.  Followed by dinner after 8, which tonight was just pizza, from the freezer.  & it was only my mother and I for dinner tonight.  Up until now I've had fish in a creamy sauce with rice, chicken in the same sauce with rice, shepards pie (don't know what they call it but that's what it was!), & couscous.

All is going well so far, & I'm really looking forward to school beginning on Monday!  Though I haven't adjusted to the time yet like I thought I had been.  Last night I was up until 3 a.m. and was up at 9:30 (with an alarm of course) and it's just after 11 now and I'm not feeling tired.  They say about a week to get over jetlag.  Je vais vous laisser savoir! (I'll let you know!)

Jusqu'à demain... (until tomorrow)
Bonne nuit! (goodnight!)

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